What's Actually in an Openmind Assessment Report?
Openmind, an implicit psychometric tool, provides a unique approach to personality assessment by capturing both your explicit and implicit responses to statements based on the OCEAN Big Five model. This assessment gives users a detailed exploration of their personality, providing insights into both conscious attitudes and nonconscious tendencies. Let’s unpack what an Openmind report typically includes, exploring each key section and how it offers a nuanced understanding of personality that goes beyond traditional tests.
1. Introduction: Your Personality Blueprint
The report begins with an overview, introducing the idea that personality is shaped by both explicit (conscious) and implicit (subconscious) attitudes. This section explains the goal of the Openmind assessment: to promote deeper self-awareness by revealing how subconscious responses align (or diverge) from conscious beliefs. This unique dual perspective encourages users to reflect on their personality, free from judgment, and aims to foster personal growth through honest self-assessment.
2. Objectives of the Report
The purpose of the report is to facilitate self-awareness and encourage personal development. It explains that there are no "right" or "wrong" answers in personality assessment; rather, the focus is on individual preferences, strengths, and areas for growth. The objective here is clear: by understanding both conscious and unconscious preferences, users can make more informed decisions, improve their relationships, and align their actions with their core personality traits.
3. The Big Five Personality Profile (OCEAN Model)
The Openmind report uses the Big Five framework, breaking down personality into five major traits:
Openness to Experience: Reflects curiosity and creativity.
Conscientiousness: Measures self-discipline and reliability.
Extraversion: Indicates sociability and enthusiasm.
Agreeableness: Reflects empathy and cooperativeness.
Neuro Balance (Neuroticism): Indicates emotional stability or reactivity.
Each trait is detailed in terms of what it represents, providing users a lens to view their personality. Openmind uniquely combines these traits with implicit reaction testing, making it more dynamic than traditional self-report assessments.
4. How to Read Your Results
To make sense of the report, Openmind offers guidance on interpreting the results, which come in the form of a bar chart or line graph. Each trait and statement shows two lines: one for implicit (subconscious) responses and one for explicit (conscious) responses. Each end of the spectrum represents a strong negative or strong positive association, with a midpoint indicating neutrality. The alignment (or disparity) between the implicit and explicit scores becomes a focal point for reflection, shedding light on any potential conflicts between unconscious instincts and conscious beliefs.
5. Interpretation Scenarios
Openmind describes three common scenarios that help users reflect on their scores:
Explicit Score Higher than Implicit: This situation suggests that, upon reflection, users may consciously believe in a statement more strongly than they subconsciously feel. This often highlights areas where social expectations or personal values influence one's self-image.
Implicit Score Higher than Explicit: When the implicit score exceeds the explicit one, it indicates that a person’s gut reaction supports the statement more than their conscious mind does. This scenario can reveal unconscious strengths or biases, sometimes suggesting undervalued traits or hidden self-confidence.
Close Alignment between Implicit and Explicit Scores: When scores are closely aligned, it suggests consistency in attitudes across conscious and subconscious levels. This alignment can be reassuring, reflecting an unconflicted or integrated approach to specific attitudes or behaviors.
6. Trait-by-Trait Analysis
The report offers a breakdown of each Big Five trait, showing scores for specific statements related to the trait. Here’s a deeper look at how each trait is analyzed in the report:
Openness to Experience
For openness, the report might show statements like “I enjoy art and beautiful surroundings” or “I like to try new things and meet new people.” Users see how their implicit and explicit scores for these items align, which can reveal how naturally they gravitate towards new experiences. A strong alignment might show a genuine passion for novelty, while discrepancies could indicate a tendency to value openness consciously without necessarily seeking it instinctively.
The conscientiousness trait includes statements such as “I’m very self-disciplined” or “I always honor my commitments.” High implicit scores suggest that these behaviors are habitual, while high explicit but low implicit scores might suggest a desire for order and structure that doesn’t always align with one’s instinctive preferences. This distinction can reveal where individuals might struggle with self-discipline or dependability on a subconscious level, despite conscious intentions.
Statements under extraversion include “I like creating a fun environment” or “I make friends easily.” High scores reflect natural sociability, but low implicit scores with high explicit scores might suggest that while the person values social connection, they may not instinctively seek it out, perhaps due to past experiences or innate introversion.
For agreeableness, users might see statements like “I feel the joys or sufferings of those around me” or “Helping others makes me happy.” A discrepancy here, where the implicit score is lower, could suggest that while someone values compassion, they might not always feel it instinctively, possibly pointing to burnout or emotional boundaries developed over time.
Neuro Balance (Emotional Stability)
Statements such as “I rarely feel anxious” or “I’m not overwhelmed by life” fall under Neuro Balance. A high implicit score here generally reflects inherent calmness, while discrepancies might suggest that, although an individual tries to remain calm outwardly, underlying stress or anxiety affects their subconscious reactions.
7. Reflection Questions for Self-Exploration
Each section includes reflection questions to help users explore their results and deepen self-awareness. For example, if there’s a gap between implicit and explicit scores in conscientiousness, the report might prompt questions like, “Am I as organized as I believe?” or “What makes me struggle with honoring commitments subconsciously?” These questions encourage users to think critically and honestly about their results, fostering meaningful self-reflection that can lead to growth.
8. Results Playback and Summary Radial
At the end of the report, Openmind consolidates results across all traits, presenting them in a radial chart. This summary gives users a quick overview of their personality profile, highlighting areas of alignment and discrepancy. The radial format is visually intuitive, allowing users to see at a glance where their implicit and explicit attitudes align closely or diverge. This unique depiction serves as a “snapshot” of the user’s personality, providing a final prompt for reflection.
9. Using the Report for Personal Development
The Openmind report isn’t simply a mirror of personality; it’s a guide for personal development. Users are encouraged to work with coaches or on their own to explore how their implicit and explicit attitudes interact and to set realistic goals based on their personality profile. By understanding these dynamics, individuals can better understand their motivations, tackle potential barriers, and embrace both strengths and growth areas. The assessment aims to empower users to align their daily behaviors with their true personality, fostering authenticity and mindful growth.
10. Conclusion: A New Dimension in Self-Understanding
The Openmind report offers an in-depth view of personality, uniquely combining implicit reaction times with the OCEAN framework to reveal a nuanced and comprehensive portrait of one’s personality. With insights that bridge conscious and subconscious realms, it provides users with a powerful tool for self-discovery. By tapping into both explicit and implicit attitudes, Openmind opens doors to a deeper, more authentic self-understanding—one that values all aspects of personality and provides actionable insights for living with greater self-awareness.
In today’s complex world, understanding oneself deeply and truthfully is more valuable than ever. Openmind’s approach provides this clarity, supporting individuals in navigating life more confidently, fostering relationships, and achieving personal and professional goals with greater alignment and purpose. The report’s insights are just the beginning; how one chooses to apply them shapes the true value of this remarkable tool for self-reflection and growth.