The Amazing Power of Self-Awareness

The Amazing Power of Self-Awareness

True self-awareness comes from understanding yourself not only at a conscious level but also who you are at a subconscious level.

The Openmind™ platform is unique in capturing and analysing both people’s conscious explicit attitudes towards statements about themselves as well as their implicit nonconscious gut reactions to those same statements.

To do this Openmind™ combines learnings and methods from Neuroscience and Psychology that have been known about and used academically for decades. However, due to technical constraints around scaling and speed of analysis these have not been a viable option to use outside of the laboratory in the past.

The Openmind™ platform solves this problem by using Implicit Reaction Time (IRT) testing as the basis for its surveys and assessment tools and can do this in any country, in any language and on any digital device.

The key elements are that the methodology captures ‘indirect, unintentional & uncontrollableresponses (Nosek, Hawkins & Frazier, 2011) and because the responses are captured in less than a second, they are automatic and unaffected by conscious moderation.

Comparing your automatic implicit gut responses with your considered and potentially moderated explicit responses will show how well you actually knows yourself and your own personality traits.

As one of our coaches remarked ‘the power of Openmind™ is in its ability to engage the individual in an active discussion about who they really are rather than me just telling them what type or colour they are’.


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