How to Start Living Authentically

Living authentically is about aligning your actions, beliefs, and feelings with your true self. But in a world full of societal pressures, personal expectations, and unconscious biases, many people struggle to understand who they really are. Authentic living requires self-awareness, acceptance, and the courage to embrace your uniqueness. The Openmind Psychometric Personality Assessment is a revolutionary tool that empowers individuals to uncover their deepest traits and attitudes, helping them take the first steps toward living authentically.

The Science Behind Authenticity

Authenticity isn't about perfection or conformity; it's about knowing yourself—your values, emotions, and motivations—and expressing them genuinely. Psychologists argue that authenticity is linked to psychological well-being, reduced stress, and stronger interpersonal connections. However, achieving authenticity starts with introspection, which can be daunting without the right tools.

This is where the Openmind Assessment stands out. Traditional personality tests often measure explicit attitudes—those we are conscious of and can articulate. Openmind goes further by also capturing implicit attitudes, which are the subconscious drivers of our behavior, shaped by life experiences, memories, and cultural influences. Together, these dimensions reveal a more accurate and profound picture of who we are.

Understanding the Gap Between Explicit and Implicit Attitudes

The Openmind Assessment highlights discrepancies between explicit and implicit attitudes, offering insights into why we sometimes feel conflicted or misunderstood. For instance, you might consciously describe yourself as confident, yet your implicit score may reveal hidden self-doubt. This gap isn't a flaw; it's an opportunity for growth.

Adrian, a user of the Openmind Assessment, experienced such a revelation. While he consciously identified as open to new experiences, his subconscious responses suggested caution and hesitation. This discrepancy reflected societal influences and personal reservations. By acknowledging this gap, Adrian began to understand how societal expectations shaped his self-image and took steps to align his inner feelings with his outward expression.

Why Self-Awareness Is Crucial

Debbie Ford, an author and self-help advocate, aptly said, “Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.” Openmind provides a framework for this honest self-reflection, free from judgment.

The assessment categorizes personality into five dimensions—Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuro Balance—each measured explicitly and implicitly. Here's how these dimensions contribute to authentic living:

  1. Openness: This trait captures curiosity, creativity, and willingness to embrace new ideas. Understanding your true level of openness can help you identify where societal expectations might be stifling your creativity.

  2. Conscientiousness: A realistic view of your organizational skills and discipline can clarify how much structure you need in your life.

  3. Extraversion: Knowing whether you thrive in social settings or prefer solitude helps you create environments where you feel most comfortable.

  4. Agreeableness: Reflecting on your tendencies toward empathy and cooperation can improve your relationships and communication.

  5. Neuro Balance: Understanding your stress triggers and emotional resilience helps you manage challenges more effectively.

Bridging the Gap: How to Align Your Implicit and Explicit Selves

Living authentically means harmonizing your implicit instincts and explicit beliefs. The Openmind Assessment offers actionable insights for this alignment:

1. Recognize Discrepancies Without Judgment

Differences between your implicit and explicit scores aren't failures—they're insights. For example, if you implicitly resist change but explicitly value innovation, you might be holding yourself back from pursuing transformative opportunities. Reflect on what fears or experiences contribute to this resistance.

2. Embrace Strengths and Work on Growth Areas

Adrian’s journey with the assessment revealed high implicit trust in others, paired with explicit caution. This discrepancy encouraged him to examine past betrayals and consciously rebuild his faith in meaningful relationships.

3. Use Self-Reflection Questions

Openmind encourages users to ask reflective questions based on their results. For instance:

  • “Am I as empathetic as I think I am?”

  • “How does fear of judgment shape my interactions?”
    These questions foster deeper understanding and pave the way for authentic decisions.

Practical Benefits of Authentic Living

  1. Improved Mental Health
    When you stop pretending to be someone you're not, you experience less stress and anxiety. Authentic living fosters emotional resilience and a sense of inner peace.

  2. Stronger Relationships
    Authenticity deepens connections. When others see you as genuine, they are more likely to trust and respect you.

  3. Clarity in Decision-Making
    When you understand your values and motivations, decision-making becomes clearer and more aligned with your goals.

  4. Enhanced Career Satisfaction
    Living authentically means choosing a career that resonates with your personality and passions, leading to greater job satisfaction and success.

Real-Life Applications

Openmind's holistic approach helps users unlock their authentic selves in tangible ways. Here are some scenarios where this self-awareness proves transformative:

1. Navigating Career Choices

A young professional felt conflicted about their career in finance. Openmind revealed a strong implicit preference for creative problem-solving, which contrasted with their explicit belief in pursuing financial stability. This insight inspired them to transition into a role that balanced creativity and financial acumen, such as financial consulting.

2. Strengthening Personal Relationships

A parent struggled to connect with their teenage child. Openmind's results showed a gap between their implicit emotional expression and explicit understanding of empathy. By working on expressing feelings more openly, the parent rebuilt trust and strengthened their bond.

3. Overcoming Self-Doubt

An entrepreneur doubted their ability to lead, despite consistent positive feedback from peers. Openmind highlighted high implicit confidence but lower explicit acknowledgment of this trait. This insight motivated the entrepreneur to embrace their strengths and lead with assurance.

The Courage to Live Authentically

Living authentically requires courage—courage to confront fears, challenge societal norms, and embrace vulnerability. Openmind not only uncovers the layers of your personality but also empowers you to take actionable steps toward alignment.

1. Practice Vulnerability

Openmind reveals where you're most vulnerable, not to expose weakness but to show where growth is possible. Embracing vulnerability fosters empathy and connection, both with yourself and others.

2. Seek Feedback

Sometimes, others see aspects of your personality more clearly than you do. Share your Openmind results with trusted friends or mentors and invite their perspective.

3. Take Incremental Steps

Authenticity isn't an overnight transformation. Use Openmind's insights to set small, achievable goals. For instance, if your implicit responses show a preference for solitude but you consciously want to be more sociable, start by attending small gatherings or connecting with one new person a week.


Living authentically is a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and alignment. The Openmind Psychometric Personality Assessment offers a powerful tool for uncovering your true self by integrating explicit and implicit dimensions of personality.

By reflecting on its insights, you can embrace your strengths, address discrepancies, and make conscious choices that resonate with your core values. As you align your inner self with your external actions, you'll find greater fulfillment, stronger relationships, and the confidence to navigate life authentically.

It's time to unlock your personality blueprint and start living as the most genuine version of yourself. Your journey begins with understanding—and embracing—who you truly are.


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